Hey guys. I haven't posted in a long time... It's been a busy past few months. That isn't a very good excuse for not writing, because I have had free time, but I'll get into that. Anyways, a lot has been happening. So, here is a quick update on what has been going on in my life since I stopped reguarly writing.
Like I mentioned in my last post about a month ago, called Public Speaking, I've started volunteering at Campus Life. I help out at their middle school program. I lead a small group there and part of their leadership training team, where we are learning how to be leaders and examples for all of the students in various Campus Life clubs, and also how to teach the lesons at them. It involves a lot of stretching for me, because I am not a guy who likes talking in front of people. It's involved a lot of growth, but it has been really good for me, and I'm learning a lot. I'm very grateful to have the opportunity to help there! I'm there Monday nights for the high school group, and then I help out with the middle school group on Tuesday nights.
I'm attending LTC. I completed all of my high school credits last year, so now my school is paying for me to attend LTC full time. The majority of my courses this past semester were online, so I was able to be at home a lot, but the work was very time consuming, so it takes time to do. And I would always try to get my homework done by Thursday, so that I could work eight hour days Friday and Saturday.
My youth group merged with another youth group called RUSH. Because of this, we actually have enough people for a youth band, so I will be playing for that now. So that's what I do on Wednesday nights. I'm also on the worship team at my church, and we have worship rehearsal every Thursday night for that.
So, as you can see, my weeks are pretty full. I only have two nights of the week not regularly filled, so those are usually the nights I hang out with friends or have some alone time. Which brings me to what I'd like to talk about today... the reason I haven't been posting.
When I started blogging, I always knew what to post about. Whenever I sat down at the keyboard, thoughts would start rushing into my head and I would just start typing it. Sometimes I had something involving music on my mind, and sometimes God inspired me to share something that I'd been learning with whoever may have chosen to read my posts. Whatever the case was, I always knew what to write. I rarely had an issue. Whenever I sit down to write, something will always come to me, as is the case right now.
But here's the issue: With what's been going lately, I just haven't been sitting down to start. Once in a while, I'd be like "Hey, I haven't written a blog post in a while. What could I write about? Eh, I don't know. Maybe next week." And next week, the same thing would happen, until this point, where I have written only three posts since July. And you know what's funny? While I was writing, I would always be thinking about the things that God was doing in my life. Lately, I haven't felt that. And now, I think I know why.
Writing is my way of thinking through things. Sometimes, my mind is just running a million miles an hour, and some things just slip my mind. Writing is a way to slow things down, and it helps me remember things. Like I said, God always inspires me with something to write about when I do it. I just need to take the time and reflect on what God is doing! That's why I haven't been thinking about any of that lately, I haven't been writing, and therefore I haven't been thinking about it. That's not okay, and it needs to change!
Now, with all that said, thank you to those who got on my case about not writing enough! I truly feel that this is something really important to my spiritual growth, and hopefully it can help you as well! That's my goal: that sharing these thoughts and reflections on my life can help you in yours. And I hope that's happened in the past.
So: I know I've said this before. But, now that I have what the issue is, I'm going to try to start posting regularly again. I haven't been writing because I've been telling myself I don't feel inspired to write. But now I realize, it's not until I sit down and focus my thoughts that I get that inspiration. So I'm committing myself to doing this again. So please, if I'm not doing it, get on my case! Like I said, this is something that is really important for my spiritual growth. I need to do this! And hopefully God can use what I'm learning to help others as well.