Learn how to use my new recording equipment.
I got some microphones and other recording equipment for Christmas this year! I'm super excited to learn how to use them. I've said this many times, but music is one of my passions, and I am very thankful for the gift I've been given in being able to play music. So this year, I'm going to dedicate however much time it takes to learn how to use this equipment to make high quality sound, and...
Make at least two music videos.
I wanted to start making these a long time ago, but I always had the excuse of "I don't have good enough equipment." Well, now I do. Excuses are gone. They will probably be a lot of work, and I don't know how much time I'll have to work on them or how long it will take to master using my equipment, but I want to get at least two made. Hopefully that will work out!
Start guitar lessons.
I don't play guitar at all currently, but I'd really like to learn. Again, I don't know how much spare time I'll have to work on this, but I'd like to at least start, and have a few lessons and see how it goes.
Figure out where to go to college after LTC.
LTC is a technical college, so it only has two year degrees. By the end of this year, I'll have my first year completed. This next fall, I will be starting my second year, and I will have my Associate's degree by the end of it. But after those two years, I don't know what I'm doing after. I'm guessing I will probably want to get two more years and have a Bachelor's degree, but I don't yet know where I will bet getting those two years. So, I want to figure this out sooner rather than later. This isn't really a goal for 2017, it's more a goal for this coming spring/summer, but I still wanted to include it here.
Be more engaging in my teaching at Campus Life.
I've mentioned this a few times already, but I have started doing some teaching at a Campus Life middle school group. I am not at all good at public speaking, or just talking in general, so this is a huge stretch for me. I did okay the first time, but there is a lot of room for improvement. I mostly just read from my notes, so I wasn't very engaging. I want to learn to be better at making eye contact with people, and not just staring at my notes. There are other things I'm looking to improve as well, but I won't mention all of them. This is the biggest thing I'll be working on.
Learn how to create worship setlists.
As of a few months ago, my church youth group combined with another church's youth group. When this happened, I joined the youth worship band, and now I am involved in creating worship setlists for the group. I won't have to do it super often, but this is quite a responsibility. I've never done this before, so I have a lot to learn. I'm hoping that this year, I will learn how to make setlists that flow well from song to song.
--Have you made any goals for yourself for the new year? What are some of them? Feel free to share them in the comments, let's keep each other accountable!