So as you probably know from my post last week, I was volunteering at a summer day camp for middle schoolers. For the week, each kid in the camp (there were about 75) was a part of one of the four teams. Each team had 3 to 4 leaders that would spend the week talking to them, teaching them, and spending time with them. And I'm happy to report that it went GREAT!
I had a great group of kids. All of them were excited to be there (at least most of the time!) and were always doing their best. It was so cool to see kids so excited to be learning verses! I was impressed by their great memories.
And really, it was a growing experience for me as well! I had never done anything like this before, and I was nervous, but honestly, I loved every moment of it. I love kids, and spending a whole week with them was tiring but amazing! Looking back on my week, I can see things that I could have done better, but I also see times I succeeded.
While most of the kids were on the volleyball courts, I saw one boy with a boot on his leg and crutches under his arms sitting on a bench by himself, just watching. As much as I wanted to play the game too, I told myself "This is more important." So I walked over and talked to the boy for part of the break. His name is Zachary, and he is a shy kid but a very cool one! I asked him what happened, so we talked about that, and I told him about the time when I broke my first bone, and the conversation went on from there. And while it was hard to not be spending time playing sports like I love to do, I don't regret what I did and I would do it again.
And I wasn't the only one! I saw many of the leaders spending time with Zachary doing other breaks during the week. I saw them helping kids work on their verses. I saw them spending time with the kids, loving them, and showing them how to act. Seeing these other high school students stepping up and being leaders helped encourage me to be one as well and to try to be an example for the kids!
All in all, it was a great week. A long, tiring week, but a great one. I really hope I can do it all again next year! But please keep praying for the Campus Life staff. This week, they have ANOTHER camp, and this one has almost 100 kids, and they are all in elementary school, mostly the 3rd grade! I know that this one is going to be a lot harder and even more tiring, so I know I will be praying for them, and I hope you will too!